Disclaimer and information about the site. Airport Cancun

Disclaimer and information - Airport Cancun

The content displayed on this site is for informational purposes only. Airport Cancun is not responsible for and is not an official representative of Cancun International Airport and does not have any relationship with official Cancun Airport agencies such as Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste, S.A. de C.V., or ASUR.

Airport Cancun also makes no warranties or representations as to any particular results based on the use of information within the website that is unrelated to any reservation within site.

Airport Cancun will not trade, exchange or publish any personal information shared by our visitors or users, such as name, address, email address, etc., to any third party. Likewise, Airport Cancun guarantees the confidentiality of your data or records, such as names, surnames, email addresses, passwords, or addresses, except for the information necessary to complete any reservation within the site.

Airport Cancun is not responsible for using the data provided on the website at the time of any registration or reservation within the site. Therefore, the user must undertake to ensure and verify the accuracy of the information obtained within site.

The information provided within the content or reservations on the website is intended solely and exclusively for the use of Airport Cancun to be a necessity for the execution of our services.

This website consists of images, content, formats, as well as various styles of presentation. All copyrights and other moral, ownership, and intellectual property rights that may be included may or may not be the exclusive property of Airport Cancun.

Airport Cancun does not seek to supplant or replace any official Cancun International Airport website as Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste, S.A. de C.V., nor does it have an official Cancun International Airport trademark registration.